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for the pre-incubation programme “Green HExagon 2025”

  1. General terms and conditions

1.1 This regulation governs the pre-incubation programme “Green HExagon 2025” (hereinafter the Programme)

1.2 The following universities and their structural units (hereinafter – the Partners) participate in the implementation of the Programme:

– University of Latvia (UL), Innovation and Acceleration center;

– University of Tartu (UT);

– Rigas Stradiņš university (RSU), business incubator B-Space;

– The University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt (FHWN), Startup Center.

1.3 The Programme duration is 17 weeks (4 months), from February to June 2025.

1.4 The Programme includes the following activities: an online ideation afternoon, online workshops, mentoring sessions, individual consultations, and an online business idea contest (the Demo Day).

1.5 The teams and individuals participating in the programme must comply with this regulation.

1.6 The Programme is primarily implemented online (individual consultations and/or mentoring sessions for example might also be held in person).

  1. Applying for the Programme

2.1 In order to implement the Programme, the Partners announce an open call for support of business ideas.

2.2 The open call is announced on the Project website (, on the Partners’ websites (,,, and The Partners use their social media channels as well to market the Programme. When applying for the Programme, the applicants must fill out and submit to the Partners an electronic form “Application for participation in the pre-incubation programme “Green HExagon”” (Appendix 1 to the Regulation).

2.3 Applicants who apply for the Programme can apply both individually and as a team. A team must consist of 2 (two) to 5 (five) members. Other participants may also join the team during the Programme; however, the number of the team members may not exceed 5 (five) participants in total.

2.4 The individuals applying to the Programme must be students, researchers, employees or graduates of UL, UT, RSU or FHWN.

2.5 If a team applies to the Programme, at least 50 % of its members must meet the criteria mentioned in Paragraph 2.4 above.

2.6 Only teams are allowed to participate in the Demo Day at the end of the Programme and compete for the award(s).

2.7 The individuals participating in the Programme must find team members or join a team latest by 16 May 2025 (note: before international mentor evening)  to jointly develop a business idea. If they do not find team members or do not join a team by that time, they are allowed to participate in the Programme activities; however, to participate in the Mentor Evening and/or the Demo Day, they have to be part of a team. Remote team members who help implement a business idea, but do not participate in the Programme, are also treated as team members. The Partners may request submission of a proof of involvement of a remote member, such as description of his/ her role, duties, contribution to the idea implementation etc. 

  1. Evaluation of the Applications

3.1 The received applications are evaluated by the Green Hexagon Programme Management group, consisting of the appointed representatives of each Partner (hereinafter referred to as the Programme Management Group). The Programme Management Group conducts the evaluation in accordance with Appendix 2 of this regulation “Evaluation of applications for participation in the “Green HExagon” pre-incubation programme”.

3.2 In case an application needs further clarifications, the Programme Management Group can, at its discretion, give the Applicant a possibility to submit the clarifications within one week.

3.3 The Programme Management Group can also decide on admission of extra Applicants (team or individuals) into the Programme after the application deadline, but not later than by 7 March.

  1. Completion of the Programme

4.1 Certificates confirming successful completion of the Programme are given to individuals. To receive the certificate, a Programme participant must attend at least 60% of the Programme activities, i.e., workshops, mentoring sessions, and individual consultations.

4.2 A team is considered to have completed the Programme if it meets the following criteria:

4.2.1 at least 50% of the team members meet the attendance criterion referred to in Paragraph 4.1 above; 

4.2.2 it has presented its business idea at the Demo Day.

4.3 Only the individuals and the teams that have successfully completed the Programme are included in the Project reports.

4.4. The RSU prepares the certificates referred to in Paragraph 4.1 above, while the Partners distribute them to the participants affiliated with their respective universities.

  1. The Demo Day 

5.1 The Demo Day is organised at the end of the Programme to give the best teams a possibility to present their ideas to an international jury (the Jury) and to compete for a prize of up to 6000 (five thousand) EUR.

5.2 Each Partner nominates one representative from the start-up ecosystem or industry to act as a Jury member. The Jury evaluates the teams according to Appendix 3 of this regulation “Team Evaluation Criteria at the Demo Day”.

5.3 Each Partner evaluates the progress of their teams applying for the participation in the Demo Day according to the criteria indicated in Appendix 3 to this regulation. The Jury has to consider the Partner evaluation when deciding on the winners of the Demo Day. 

5.4 The Jury decides on the winners of the Demo Day and the amount of the prize in a special meeting after the Demo Day. The Jury takes decision by a majority of votes. If the votes are divided equally and the Jury cannot agree on the winners and the amount of the prize, the decision is referred to the Programme Management Group who makes the final decision. 

5.5 The total price-award in the amount of EUR 6,000 (in cash or in-kind) shall be split into four lots of EUR 1,500. Each award-lot will be allocated to one participating university, and the teams affiliated with this university, and competing for the relevant award-lot (in case, a team is formed by participants from different Partner universities, the Program Management Group will decide to which award-lot such team shall be allocated). The Jury may decide to give the prize to one or two winners within each award-lot group at their discretion. If the Jury decides to announce two teams as the winners of an award-lot group, the Jury also shall determine the distribution of the 1,500 EUR prize between such teams. 

5.6 To apply for participation in the Demo Day, the teams must meet the criterion referred to in Paragraph 4.2.1 above and must submit their one-pagers within the deadline indicated by the Partners. The team should include the following information in their Demo Day presentations: 

5.6.1 the business idea and the problem it solves;

5.6.2 the innovation aspects of the idea;

5.6.3 the business model;

5.6.4 market size, including comparison with the closest competitors;

5.6.5 a description of the team members and their competencies;

5.6.6 long-term business development scenario.  

5.7 The Partners announce the winning teams on the Green HExagon website and through other communication channels, such as social media and Slack. 

  1. Use of the Green HExagon prize

6.1 The teams which have won a prize-award sign a contract on the use of the grant with the Partner to which it is affiliated. The Partner will ensure efficient use of the prize amount by ensuring that the team follows the procurement rules of the Partner’s country and university.

6.2 The prizes received during the Demo Day may be used for the following purposes:

6.2.1 (further) development of a prototype;

6.2.2 production of a trial batch necessary for a test campaign;

6.2.3 marketing costs; 

6.2.4 equipment rental;

6.2.5 other justified needs (upon prior approval by the relevant Partner). 

6.2.6 or any other specified purpose (upon prior approval by the relevant Partner).

6.3 The prize received during the Demo Day may not be used for covering the following expense:

6.3.1 purchase of equipment; 

6.3.2 salaries;

6.3.3 expense incurred before signing of the contract on the use of the grant.

6.4 The prize must be used by 30 November 2025. 

  1. Processing of personal data

7.1 The following personal data are processed within the programme: participant’s name, surname, represented university, represented field of work/studies, e-mail address, telephone number.

7.2. Personal data are processed to identify the participants, as well as to enable the Partners to contact the participants. Additional data may be requested from the participants from the team(s) (e.g., winning the prize, as necessary for the contract on the use of the grant). 

7.3 Personal data will be stored on the Project Partners’ IT systems in accordance with the data protection rules of each Partner University.

7.4 By applying for participation in the Programme, the participant confirms his/her consent to the processing of his/her personal data within the Programme.

7.5 Information on processing of personal data at the Partner universities is available here:

7.5.1 for UL:

7.5.2 for UT: 

7.5.3 for FHWN: 

7.5.4 for RSU: 

7.6. The person responsible for data processing is the Partner University, e-mail address: In case of additional questions, please contact the UL personal data experts at

FHWN: For questions regarding the processing of personal data at FHWN, please contact

RSU: For questions regarding the processing of personal data at RSU, please contact:

UT: For questions regarding the processing of personal data at UT, please contact:

To learn more

To read the appendices of this regulation such as the idea evaluation form, the application form, and more, access the full regulation document